Rosers de qualitat

For more than 100 years, our family has been dedicated to produce rose plants and hybridize new roses.


Permanently closed

one generation to next generation, we have been transmitting the tradition, the technic and the love for roses, from Pere Dot, until nowadays, the 3rd generation.

After one century, we still produce the rose plants as our grandfather used to do. For this reason, our rose plant farming lasts about three years and a half. Lots of hours, lots of cares and a lot of effort, which makes the difference, and due to this fact, we get as final result unique rose plants. Quality rose plants.

We are glad to invite you to discover our rose plants, our passion. Welcome,

Pere, Robert and Victor


Our history
Our varieties
Advice anr rose care
Order form
Our farming
Videos and more
Contact details
Rosas Dot test
Rosas Dot test
Rosas Dot test